
Mobile Marketing

What Is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing is any advertising activity that promotes products and services via mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones. It makes use of features of modern mobile technology, including location services, to tailor marketing campaigns based on an individual’s location.

Leading Digital Marketing Consultant Paul Brewster

Paul Brewster


Heading up the team at eapb digital marketing agency, Paul Brewster is fast rising to prominence as the leading UK mobile marketing consultant. A rich background of experience has provided Paul with the ideal knowledge base to deliver outstanding results for all clients.

I can help you to grow your business and realise its true potential. I can help you to decide which mobile digital marketing strategy is right for your business. I can then help you to execute that strategy. Get in touch for a free, honest conversation about your business and which digital marketing strategies will work for you!

Mobile Marketing

Time-pressed mobile users want to find things fast. We can help you understand which content is most relevant to your mobile users, optimise page layout and re-configure navigation according to most frequent tasks and the reasons for use.

Improving your own website’s mobile performance does not necessarily mean rebuilding your site or developing a parallel mobile version. We can often use the structure, coding and components from your existing site and a mobile site can be delivered within a couple of weeks.

We offer a free, no obligation consultation to anyone wanting to know more about our mobile marketing services.  We’d be delighted to talk you through the entire process, covering everything in plain and simple English. Contact us today!

Mobile marketing allows you to reach highly targeted customer segments and engage with them through relevant marketing campaigns.

Advantages of mobile marketing include: Accessible and Immediate – you can reach an audience from anywhere at any time, the fastest way to communicate with customers.

Mobile marketing objectives are goals that advertisers seeking to achieve with mobile marketing campaigns, such as building brand awareness, increasing search engine visibility through Mobile SEO, changing brand image, increasing sales, establishing brand loyalty, building customer database, or motivating mobile viral marketing.

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‘eapb has delivered excellent Google rankings and social media profile for my company. We would highly recommend eapb for your business digital marketing’.

Andy Faulkner


‘Quite brilliant!! We have been consistently using eapb to do our SEO and social media marketing. Very satisfied with the professional service’.

Paul Tribouillard

Surelock Homes.

‘eapb have helped turn our start-up online retailer from zero to a 7 figure turnover. We continue to work with eapb and look forward to continued success.’

Ashley Funnell

Flooring Hut

ROI Focused Mobile Marketing

84% of UK adults have smartphones, and on average they spend 2 hours and 34 minutes online on their phones every day. It’s no surprise, then, that mobile marketing is one of the most effective strategies today for reaching and engaging with consumers.

Mobile marketing refers to the variety of ways that marketers can communicate with consumers through channels they can access on their smartphones. This includes:

» Text messages
» Push notifications
» In-app messaging
» Mobile inbox
» Email marketing

Get ready to accelerate growth in your business by the deployment of results driven mobile marketing strategies!

Mobile marketing engages customers through their mobile devices, traditional marketing is any marketing that is not online. Traditional marketing can include newspaper, television, radio, and billboard ads.

Typically, traditional marketing is one-way communication, whereas, with mobile marketing, customers can interact with your business through mobile advertisements.

Captivate, Convert, Conquer

Our comprehensive suite of mobile marketing agency services goes beyond conventional approaches, ensuring a holistic strategy tailored to elevate your brand in the digital landscape.

We are dedicated to navigating the complexities of the digital mobile realm, providing innovative, results-driven strategies.